Colorado Gives Day is December 10

But there are many opportunities to raise funds and awareness starting right now AND you can help from home!

It’s easy and fun to help out!

Just Follow These Steps:

Sign up below

to join our CO Gives Fundraising Team! All we need is your name and email, and we’ll provide all of the tools you’ll need to help Heartland reach our fundraising goals for 2024!

Attend our Fundraising Team Webinar on October 28 at 1:00pm

During one quick Zoom call you can meet the team and see how easy it is to share Heartland’s mission and help promote our CO Gives fundraiser. If you signed up above, we will automatically send you the Zoom invite link and a calendar invitation. You’re all set!

Not available for this time?

Follow along with all the other Heartland Friends!

We will all be in this together! You don’t need to do everything. If you can post on social media or send an email to friends, we will provide everything: images, captions, and wording!

Seems too easy?

Your participation on a few targeted dates can have a huge impact on the attention we receive from new donors. Even if none of your network decides to contribute this time, just the engagement you provide can boost our visibility with potential donors all across the state!

Don’t worry! We’ll send you the video!